Service Solutions
Instant Payments in Avaloq
What are instant payments?
Instant payments need to be confirmed by the receiving bank within seconds. They also can arrive any time and any day, regardless of bank-holidays or working hours.
Instant payments are also irrevocable once sent.
In the EU, many banks already offer instant payments. About 10% of all SEPA credit transfers are SEPA Instant Payments
Source: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/paym/integration/retail/instant_payments/html/index.en.html
Solution Overview
Banks looking to provide instant payments are met with high technical challenges, as IPs require very high performance and 24/7/365 service uptime.
With SIC5, SIX will enable instant payments within their network. At the same time, Processing of incoming IPs will become mandatory for SIC participants from August 2024.
Avensic can help you evaluate your current payment landscape, scope the required changes and implement desired functionality.
Avensic Service
Analysis of current payment implementation landscape
Analysis of solutions for providing instant payments
Analysis of requirements for SIC5
Solution design, Implementation and testing of required changes for the upgrade to SIC5
Solution Elements
Analysis of current payment infrastructure
Supporting the upgrade to SIC5
Evaluate potential solutions
Implement desired funtionality